I’m not sure everyone needs a blog. I’m also not sure anyone needs to read one that I write, but it’s available in this new website, so here’s one entry to try out.
I really just want to paint, but this week, I worked on a new website.
It’s not that I’m a luddite, or unfamiliar with terms or the idea of a website builder. I just don’t do it every day, so that makes it more difficult for me. I am putting aside the questions of SEO and privacy policy and why that little mobile icon is the only one showing right now. Let me just get the pages done, some paintings uploaded, and test out the shop. Then I will get into the ditches with Google and collecting personal info.
The primary reason for moving my site is e-commerce. Exhibitions are coming back slowly after a year of lock down but sales are driven by social media and a website. I want to be ready with a shop that’s easy for my clients and efficient for me. I didn’t see why once I had uploaded a photo of my work, listed it’s size, medium and price that I should have to enter all that info again in a store. I shared that concern with the very available support staff at my last website host, and they seemed to understand, but the improvement never happened.
I photograph my work, track my expenses and sales, report and pay sales tax, but keeping a website running by re-entering data was my breaking point.
I really just want to paint.